Sunday, January 27, 2013

Week 3 - Play Outside With Them

Do you remember your childhood years? Summer days were spent swimming at the public pool (or your backyard if you were “cool” enough to own your own pool). Bike rides with friends were a great way to dry off afterwards.

Fall brought falling leaves that provided just enough cushion when you fell into them. I remember my grandpa raking the yard and getting all the leaves into one big heap. Then here came little Adrienne, jumping right into that pile and spreading them everywhere. Grandpa shot me a look and then he smiled. He knew I was just a kid…and he was okay with that. 

Winter was a time of attempting to build snowmen. I say “attempt” because no matter how hard I tried, I could never roll a ball of snow. I really do not know how people used to do that, or still do. My snowmen were always lumps of snow piled on top of each other.

Really not a pretty sight.

Finally, spring came, filling our yard with lots of flowers and dandelions. I remember running through them all, pretending that I was a princess. Oh how those days bring back fond memories of my childhood.

If only I could be a kid again.

Oh but I can! You see, now that I am an adult, I have children of my own. My boys are 9 and 6 and VERY active. J They love to run, jump, climb trees, ride bikes, and much more! As their Mom, it is my job to encourage physical activity. With childhood obesity on the rise, being active is not just a preference; it’s a requirement. 

Sadly, a lot of children are being raised to believe that the only way they can “play” is with video games. I have seen children as young as 4 years old have an x-box, playstation, and Nintendo DS. They spent most of their days playing games all day long, only stopping to eat and use the bathroom. Then we as parents wonder why our kids aren’t active, and why they are suddenly gaining more weight than they should. 

Now I know I may offend some readers, and that is not my intention. I merely want to point out that this is a serious problem in America, one that needs dealt with NOW.
We need to be encouraging our children to go outside, even if that means we have to return the electronics to the store. Yes, you read that right. RETURN them. Sell them, do something! When I was a kid, I had to use my imagination outside in nature, often using sticks, leaves, and rocks to entertain me. And you know what? I WAS OKAY WITH THAT! And here’s a shocker: I’m still alive.  I didn’t die because I didn’t have the newest, most awesomest game that ALL my friends had. I lived through it, played outside, and now I can teach my boys to do the same. 

Now don’t get me wrong, I do buy them little toy swords, and they have a whole collection of legos, but they are very active outside. The legos are mainly for those days where we absolutely cannot get outside, or when we just need some quiet time. 

As parents, it is up to us to raise our kids to know the value of staying active and living a healthy lifestyle. Our children should be active at least one hour a day, but we should strive for more. By teaching them at a young age, they will have a better chance of sticking with it as they get older, and even teaching their own children the value of play.

This week:

Play outside with your children a few days this week. Bundle up and go build a snowman, or fort, or igloo. Go for a walk and talk about the beauty of nature that God created. Make snow angels. Have a snowball fight. It doesn’t matter what you do, just be ACTIVE.  

Blessed By Him, 

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Week 2 - Read To Them

Ever since I can remember, reading has been my absolute favorite pastime (besides bowling, of course!) I used to have an endless supply of books that I would read over and over, and I frequently asked my grandparents to take me to the library to get more. I remember one library in particular; it seemed so huge when we walked in. There were aisles upon aisles of books, and I stood in awe as I tried to decide where to begin.
The excitement of knowing that I was one book away from a new adventure gave me goosebumps!

As a full-time working Mom, I don’t get much time to read for pleasure these days. While I used to read a book in a day or two, it now takes a month or more. That’s why I love reading children’s books. I can read TONS of those in a day! And the best part is, 
I get to spend quality time with my kids while doing so.

My boys love to read, and they love hearing me read to them. I try to read them a story each night before bed, and sometimes have them read the story to me. It’s a great way to bond with them AND get some reading time in. Plus, I am fostering their love of reading, which will help them in every aspect of their lives.

This week:

Read a story to your children. It can be anything (Bible stories, Disney, Dr. Seuss, etc). Take your time and enjoy the moment. If your children are old enough, let them participate in the reading. If you really want to make it fun, try using a different voice for each character in the story. My boys LOVE when I do this!

Once you’re done, leave a comment below and let the rest of us know what book you read. Happy Reading! :)

Blessed By Him, 

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Week 1 - Play Games With Them

One of the fondest memories I have of my childhood was when my Grandpa and I played Checkers together. He taught me the game at a very young age, and I quickly fell in love with it. When I was bored, having a bad day, or just wanted time with Grandpa, he would get the game out and play it with me. Now that I’m older, I still love Checkers. In fact, it is my favorite game. I have attempted to pass this love down to my own children, but they seem to prefer Skip-Bo and Yahtzee. Fine with me, as long as it’s not video games! J I just want to be able to spend time with them, doing time-honored traditions like playing card or board games.

Where do we find the time???

 With our fast-paced society, I know it can be hard to find time to squeeze in a good game, especially if you work outside the home full-time. By the time you get home for the day, you’re ready to eat dinner and go to bed. Been there, done that! But believe me, it is well worth it if you will make it a priority to set aside thirty to sixty minutes, a couple days a week, to play a game with your children. Luckily I have been off work the past couple weeks for Christmas break, so my husband and I have gotten to play a game with them each day. When I go back to work Monday, though, that will probably dwindle down to two or three days per week. As long as you are consistent (once a week or more), you will see your bond with your children grow stronger. Just make sure to spice it up a little. Playing the same game over and over can quickly become a tedious chore rather than a favorite pastime. Take it from a Momma whose boys have gotten tired of Checkers! L

This week:

Play a game with your children at least one day this week. It can be a board or card game. NO VIDEO GAMES! Then come back to this post and leave a comment with the game you played and any thoughts you have.

Blessed by Him,

Friday, January 4, 2013

10 Ways to Form a Greater Bond With Your Kids

I have two sons who live with me, ages 8 and 6. When my oldest was first born, I was a stay-at-home Mom, which allowed me many chances to form a tight bond with him. I am thankful for that because now, even though I now work, I still have that solid foundation to stand on. Unfortunately, my full-time job and school do not allow for much time with my boys. Weekends are about the only chance I really get to have quality time with them, and even then, sometimes our schedules are so full that time is limited. 

I have had the privilege of being off work the past couple weeks for Christmas break. During that time, I came up with a list of ten ways that I can make more time for my children and strengthen our bond. I figured others could benefit from these also, so each Saturday for ten weeks, I will be sharing one way that you can form a greater bond with your kids. I hope you all will enjoy these and take them to heart. Each one holds special meaning for me and my children, and I hope they do the same for you and your kids as well.

Blessed by Him, 

Thursday, January 3, 2013

2013 New Year's Commitment

Ahhh, the time of year where we spend countless hours trying to come up with the perfect New Year's Resolution. Do I want to quit smoking? Lose weight? Quit drinking? Be nicer to people? The list goes on...and on...and on...

Once we figure out what we want to work on, we may stay faithful to it for a few days, a month, maybe even a couple months. Then life gets in the way. We smoke that cigarette, eat that candy bar, drink that one beer, snap at that one person. Before we know it, our resolution is forgotten.

That's why, for the second year in a row, I have decided to make a commitment; a faithful decision to live out certain things this year, regardless of situation or circumstance.

Below is my list of six commitments for 2013.

1. I COMMIT to gaining a healthier lifestyle by exercising more, eating healthier foods, and limiting my sweet treats.

2. I COMMIT to being the hands and feet of Jesus on a DAILY basis, and teaching my children to do the same.

3. I COMMIT to being a woman of integrity in everything that I do.

4. I COMMIT to being a Proverbs 31 wife by showing my husband unconditional love each day, and making him proud to call himself my husband.

5. I COMMIT to being a Proverbs 31 mother by making sure my children hear God’s word each morning before school and each night before bed, by praying for them every day, and by teaching them about God's love, mercy, and grace at every opportunity.

6. I COMMIT to making the care and maintenance of my current friendships more of a priority, and to also develop and maintain new friendships.

If you haven’t already, I encourage each of you to make a commitment for 2013. Remember, a commitment is something that you are devoted to, something that you will work on all year long! Leave a comment and let me know what your commitments are. I can’t wait to read them!

Blessed by Him,